
AEG LF8C1612A 10kg 8000 Series Front Load Washing Machine


600W  631D  850H (mm)
The 10kg washing machine with OKOMix technology, ProSense, Woolmark Green accredited, ProSteam and 1600rpm spin speed.

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Product price: $1,499.00
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Smart Electrical - LOGO


Every fibre cleaned and protected

Every Fibre Cleaned & Protected

Advanced OKOMix Technology blends detergents and then softeners with water before they enter the drum. This ensures that every fibre is cleaned and cared for with the right mix of detergent, even for shorter cycles. Every thread, every stitch, every fibre, expertly protected.

Caring for clothes, saving water and energy

Caring for clothes, saving water and energy

ProSense technology intelligent sensors optimises and displays the estimated wash time within 30 seconds of starting the wash cycle. Whether it is a few shirts or your entire weekly laundry, the wash time, water and energy consumption adjust to ensure they are only washed for the exact amount of time required. This ensures that fabrics suffer less wear and tear, maintaining cvolour and texture.

Keeps your clothes looking and feeling impeccable

Keeps your clothes looking and feeling impeccable

The steam refresh program enables you to refresh your garments without washing with detergent and water. This ensures less wear and tear on fibres so they can maintain their look and textures for longer.


The gentle way to care for wool

The Gentle Way to care for wool

The woolmark green certification in washing will treat each item in the gentlest possible manner, meaning you can safely wash all of your hand wash only woollen garments.

Additional information

Dimensions 63.1 × 60 × 85 cm



Smart Electrical - LOGO